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  • Mar 4 2020 - 14:03
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Infographic: A Review of Customs and Tax Support of Knowledge-based Companies

Infographic: A Review of Customs and Tax Support of Knowledge-based Companies


Knowledge-based companies receive different customs and tax support packages to facilitate their business. Some of these support packages emerge as customs exemptions.

The exemption of customs duties and benefits and the commercial benefit against the law and regulations adopted form an integral part of this protection.

Every year, the Vice-Presidency introduces some knowledge-based companies to the customs affairs organization based on law and their qualification to be subject to custom exemptions.

In addition, knowledge-based companies based in science and technology parks can use some customs exemptions as well.

Tax exemptions for knowledge-based employees are another part of this tax exemption package.

Exemptions from customs duties, duties and commercial benefits are another type of exemption for knowledge-based companies. The 4% tax exemption on imports is another type of exemption.

A part of facilities and exemptions considered in this regard are shown in the infographic:


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 49832


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